Next, fold your strips in half right sides together and sew down the side.
Next, turn the strips right side out. It is easiest to put a safety pin on one end and then work the safety pin through.
Now, turn your strips seam side down and iron them.Next, its time to ruffle your strips. Set your sewing machine to a stitch length of 5 and sew down the middle of your strips, leaving a little thread on each end to pull your ruffles. Pull your string and work your matereial towards the center to create a ruffle that is a little less wide than your bloomers. It is easiest to just pull on one string, instead of both. Make sure to pull lightly. You do not want to break the string before you sew your gathered material onto the bloomers.
Pin the ruffled fabric onto the bloomers and then sew them on right down the center, tucking the ends under to hide raw edges. (Make sure you have put your stitch length back on the normal setting.)
Finally, use a seam ripper to pull out the long length stitcches you used for gathering. (Make sure to not accidentally pull out the shorter stitches you used to sew the ruffles on.)
All done!!
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